Seeing as how Mike and I just signed up for our 2nd half marathon, I thought I'd dedicate this post to doing those things that you love.
Everyone is different, so I assume that this thing that you do is different for everyone. But I really, really hope that everyone has that thing. There is no better feeling than doing something that you love, doing something that makes you feel refreshed, doing something solely because that is what you want to do.
After Mike and I ran our first half marathon, we decided that we were going to keep on running five miles at least a couple times a week to stay in shape. But life said, "haha, yeah right." We got super busy and I do not remember one time after our half marathon that we ran five miles. Every once in a while, we would squeeze in a short couple mile run, but it wasn't a regular thing, and unfortunately, we lost our endurance, fast. About a year later (now) we decided to do it again. We started our pre-training (yes, we are so out of shape that we have to train for our training. Sad, I know) about two weeks ago. After our first run, I couldn't believe how amazing I felt... Mentally.... not physically, that is another story.
After that experience, I realized the importance in doing that thing that you love doing, just because you want to. I can't believe how much better I feel. I know that exercising is a great high, but that's not what I'm getting at. It is just doing things because you want to, doing things because all day long you do the things that you have to do. You do school, you do work, you do cooking and dishes and laundry, because those are the things you HAVE to, but among those things don't forget to do the things that you love to do. You will feel less stressed, happier, and more willing to do those things that you have to do.
So I hope you all find time every week to do those things that you love doing and have a Happy Valentines Day!