Thursday, February 5, 2015

the internal struggle

So, I changed my blog layout... Again. Also, this will probably not be the last time. I'm indecisive and whenever I see someone else's blog, I'm like, "That's really cute! I want mine to look like that!" And then I change it. So in the year that I have had this blog, I think I have changed it about as much as I have posted on it. And that is an internal struggle, however it is not the internal struggle that my blog title is referring to... That is below... 

This next section of the post is taken from a blog that I had to create for one of my classes last semester, so the post was written on November 20th, but I wanted to share it here also. So I present to you, the internal struggle. 

I feel like I'm a person who has an adventurous heart, and an over-analyzing mind. As you may guess, these two parts of me tend to really get in some pretty big fights. I always have the desire to do crazy things, like go sky diving for example, like I really really want to go. Until my friends ask me if I want to go with them next week. That's when my over-analyzing mind jumps in the the ring and starts to take charge. Then I'm all the sudden like, "sitting in my nice, comfortable home, doing my normal Saturday activities sounds really great." But then my heart takes a shot at my mind and is like "NO! You are breaking all my wildest hopes and dreams!" Seriously, the struggle is that real.

So the latest brawl that has been going on in my head is about whether or not my husband and I should go on a study abroad together in May. Everyone is always quick to say YES OF COURSE! and honestly, that's what I said too when my husband brought it up. But then it got more realistic, and my mind started punching back. "It could be hard," it jabbed, "it's so expensive," it kicked, "THAT'S A DOWN PAYMENT ON A HOUSE," it roundhouse kicked my heart in the face (what? Yeah I don't know either). So what do I do? Well I don't really know. But one of my biggest fears is that my mind will get the best of me and keep me from doing all the fun things in the world. I hope that just knowing that that is how I work, will help me to remember NOT to let that happen.

So that was the post from about three months ago... And I am pleased to inform you that my heart won the battle! We are going on the study abroad! And now that I have publicly announced that we are going on the study abroad (and they always tell you that once you post something on the internet it may as well be written in stone) and also invested sums that are four digits long into it... There is no turning back! We are leaving May 1st and will arrive in London, England on May 2nd. After that we will be traveling to Prague, Salzburg, Venice, Rome, Athens, South Africa (as long as ebola stays put), Thailand, and Beijing! Crazy, right? I don't know how my mind let my heart get away with this one. Well I guess I kinda know... It's cause my husband is amazing and so fun and helps me be stronger than I could ever be on my own. And I cannot wait to travel the world (literally we are flying completely around the world!) with him! So stay tuned to hear about the adventure. 

In honor of the upcoming travels, here is a picture of me in
Morocco (The DisneyWorld rendition anyway)