Sunday, March 16, 2014

those other things

So I realize that my past two posts I have just been oh so happy and talked about all the things that I love and that are great. But, hold on, there are things that I hate too. And I am just as passionate about the things that I hate as the things that I love. 

The number one thing that I hate... Rolly backpacks. No joke. I can go off for days about how much I hate rolly backpacks. Seriously they are the worst. Okay, I get the idea behind them, take some weight off your back. Backpacks can get really heavy, I'm in college, I've been there. But they are so freaking annoying. I do not ever have a stronger desire to drop kick something to the moon than when I am walking behind a person rolling a stupid backpack behind them. I literally have to use all my will power not to kick those rolly backpacks that are right in front of me.

Especially in college. Please. Don't. Just don't. The old professors on campus are the exception here. But the most annoying thing ever is trying to get out of class and its already really crowed and there there's THAT person wheeling their backpack out that is slowing everyone up and tripping everyone and rolling over everyone's toes with their backpack that they are dragging behind them. HELLO PEOPLE, it's called a BACKpack for a reason. It's supposed to go on your BACK. 

So for the love. Ban the rolly backpack.  

rolly back pack

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