Monday, June 30, 2014

five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes

I'm sure that you all have heard people say that "the first year of marriage is really hard." Honestly, before I got married, I hated when people would say that. I always felt like they were saying that it was hard being with this person that they supposedly love and I didn't like that. But I now understand that that is not what they were saying at all. At least I don't think that's what they were saying. And here is why I think that people say it.

{Disclaimer: I am not in any way, shape, or form claiming that Michael and I are professionals at this marriage thing. I realize that we have only been married for a year, and still have a lot to learn.}

Being married to Mike is not hard, honestly, it is the easiest thing in the world. I love being married to Mike. He makes me better every single day and I have learned more about myself and the person that I want to be in the last 12 months than I have the 20 years before we were married. Marriage is not hard.

Learning to take care of someone else and tend for their needs before your own is hard. Not because you don't want to do that, just because changing your whole lifestyle can't happen over night. It takes time and effort! And change is hard. Our whole entire young adult life we have been taught to be selfish. We are taught to work harder to be better than all the other people out there so you can get into college, so you can get scholarships, so you can get into your program at school. Your whole entire young adult life you are taught to take care of YOU. Then all of the sudden you aren't supposed to take care of you first anymore. All of the sudden it matters if you don't do the laundry for 3 weeks, because it doesn't affect just you anymore. And if you don't feel like making dinner because you are too busy and don't care that you are eating oatmeal for the third meal of the day... just kidding... Maybe my husband isn't down to have oatmeal AGAIN. Or you all of the sudden have to think twice about buying a pair of shoes that you don't really need because maybe your husband really does need a new pair of dress shoes and the money should go towards that instead.

 The first year of marriage is change. And learning. And growing. And blessings. And opportunities. And joy beyond measure. And it has been the best thing in the world for me. I love being married to Mike. I love the woman that he has helped me become. I love having our own family. And I have loved the first year of marriage.

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