Tuesday, April 29, 2014

let go

It's been a really long time since I have blogged. But life has been a crazy whirlwind for the past 2 weeks and I am so happy to finally be able to see the calm after the storm. 

So Mike and I have officially moved to San Diego for the summer and are starting a new adventure here that I am both excited and nervous about. I am an incredibly safe person. I like holding onto what I know... correction... I like GRIPPING with all my might onto what I know and never ever letting go. I don't know why. I even get anxiety when I order something new at restaurants. It's a good and bad thing. It's good because I know what I like, but it's bad because a lot of the time I could be missing out on amazing growing experiences because I don't want to step into the unknown. I can't even begin to explain how hard it was for me to leave my family, my friends, my job, my apartment, and my the only state that I have ever called home. 

Honestly, the only reason that I was able to do it was because of the man next to me during the whole thing. Mike is the complete opposite of me in this regard. He loves change, and he loves experiencing new things. He is always up for the adventure. We balance each other out pretty well. But it is reassuring to know that whatever happens, whatever chances we take and wherever we end up that Michael will be with me. 

I am learning to roll with things, to step out of my comfort zone and experience the known. If anything comes out of this summer, I hope that it is that I have become a better, stronger person. And that is why letting go of what we know can be a good thing. It gives us the opportunity to learn and grow. So this week do something out of your comfort zone! Talk to someone new, share your testimony, try a new recipe! Whatever it is, do something that will help make you a little bit better.

Leaving on our adventure
Those of you that know me, know that I'm not a fan of fish...
but I tried it this week and LOVED it

I know you can't see it, but I also tried mac n' cheese
on my hamburger... and it was really good.

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