Wednesday, September 2, 2015

DisneyLand vs. DisneyWorld

So this past year Michael and I have been extremely blessed in the opportunities that we have had to travel. And I am going to write all about it eventually. But I need to start off with the beginning of the year. For New Years, we were in DisneyWorld. And I love Disney and I love fireworks and it was completely magical. However... I had been to DisneyLand 3 times the previous year and so I could not help but to compare the two the whole time we were there.

Here's my conclusion: DisneyLand is better. I'm not even kidding. I mean you can't go wrong with Disney in general, but if I had a choice, I would honestly choose DisneyLand over DisneyWorld. Let me explain why I believe this.

#1- Cost. This is not considering the thousands of dollars that you have to spend to fly there in the first place. The ticket prices are more expensive:
Ticket page for DisneyLand

Ticket page for DisneyWorld

Then, since there are 4 parks in DisneyWorld, you have to buy a more-day ticket to see everything. More days = higher ticket prices + more expensive food.

#2- But there are more things to see at DisneyWorld right? Not necessarily. I mean there are a few things that are in DisneyWorld, that are not in DisneyLand.... But on the other hand, there are also a few things that are in DisneyLand that are not in DisneyWorld. The one ride that I am sad that DisneyLand does not have is the Rockin' Roller Coaster. That is one of my all time favorite roller coasters. BUT DisneyWorld does not have Indiana Jones, and lets be honest, that is one of the all-time best Disney rides ever.

#3- The distance. Since DisneyWorld has four parks, all of the rides are spread out pretty far from one another. It requires a lot more time to get from ride-to-ride and from park-to-park, And that is valuable time since you paid so much stickin money for a pass! It is also hard because Disney already requires so much walking. Any more time on the feet than necessary is a killer.

Three of DisneyWorld's four parks

#4- The lines. If you are from out of the country and you are forced to choose between DisneyLAND or DisneyWORLD.... what are you going to choose? Probably the WORLD. You are already spending tons of money to get to America, so why not go all out and go to the seemingly bigger, better park? That would be my thought process at least. Which I think is why there are more people and longer lines. "Well, that depends on the time of year" you might say. Well I was in DisneyLand over New Years 2013-2014 and then in DisneyWorld over New Years 2014-2015. So over the exact same time of year. And yes, also the busiest time of the year. The lines at DisneyWorld were definitely worse.

So there you have it. My breakdown on DisneyLand vs. DisneyWorld. If I was planning a trip to Disney again, I would definintely save the money and go to DisneyLand.

BUT... Disney is magical no matter what. There is no way that I would ever pass down a trip to Disney anything, lets be honest.

However.... the one thing that just might take me back to Orlando it The Wizarding World of Harry Potter... It is amazing. I love it so so much. But that is a whole different story.

1 comment:

  1. I love feeling validated for only ever going to Disneyland. BEST PLACE EVER!
