Monday, June 30, 2014
five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
I'm sure that you all have heard people say that "the first year of marriage is really hard." Honestly, before I got married, I hated when people would say that. I always felt like they were saying that it was hard being with this person that they supposedly love and I didn't like that. But I now understand that that is not what they were saying at all. At least I don't think that's what they were saying. And here is why I think that people say it.
{Disclaimer: I am not in any way, shape, or form claiming that Michael and I are professionals at this marriage thing. I realize that we have only been married for a year, and still have a lot to learn.}
Being married to Mike is not hard, honestly, it is the easiest thing in the world. I love being married to Mike. He makes me better every single day and I have learned more about myself and the person that I want to be in the last 12 months than I have the 20 years before we were married. Marriage is not hard.
Learning to take care of someone else and tend for their needs before your own is hard. Not because you don't want to do that, just because changing your whole lifestyle can't happen over night. It takes time and effort! And change is hard. Our whole entire young adult life we have been taught to be selfish. We are taught to work harder to be better than all the other people out there so you can get into college, so you can get scholarships, so you can get into your program at school. Your whole entire young adult life you are taught to take care of YOU. Then all of the sudden you aren't supposed to take care of you first anymore. All of the sudden it matters if you don't do the laundry for 3 weeks, because it doesn't affect just you anymore. And if you don't feel like making dinner because you are too busy and don't care that you are eating oatmeal for the third meal of the day... just kidding... Maybe my husband isn't down to have oatmeal AGAIN. Or you all of the sudden have to think twice about buying a pair of shoes that you don't really need because maybe your husband really does need a new pair of dress shoes and the money should go towards that instead.
The first year of marriage is change. And learning. And growing. And blessings. And opportunities. And joy beyond measure. And it has been the best thing in the world for me. I love being married to Mike. I love the woman that he has helped me become. I love having our own family. And I have loved the first year of marriage.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
let go
It's been a really long time since I have blogged. But life has been a crazy whirlwind for the past 2 weeks and I am so happy to finally be able to see the calm after the storm.
So Mike and I have officially moved to San Diego for the summer and are starting a new adventure here that I am both excited and nervous about. I am an incredibly safe person. I like holding onto what I know... correction... I like GRIPPING with all my might onto what I know and never ever letting go. I don't know why. I even get anxiety when I order something new at restaurants. It's a good and bad thing. It's good because I know what I like, but it's bad because a lot of the time I could be missing out on amazing growing experiences because I don't want to step into the unknown. I can't even begin to explain how hard it was for me to leave my family, my friends, my job, my apartment, and my the only state that I have ever called home.
Honestly, the only reason that I was able to do it was because of the man next to me during the whole thing. Mike is the complete opposite of me in this regard. He loves change, and he loves experiencing new things. He is always up for the adventure. We balance each other out pretty well. But it is reassuring to know that whatever happens, whatever chances we take and wherever we end up that Michael will be with me.
I am learning to roll with things, to step out of my comfort zone and experience the known. If anything comes out of this summer, I hope that it is that I have become a better, stronger person. And that is why letting go of what we know can be a good thing. It gives us the opportunity to learn and grow. So this week do something out of your comfort zone! Talk to someone new, share your testimony, try a new recipe! Whatever it is, do something that will help make you a little bit better.
Leaving on our adventure |
Those of you that know me, know that I'm not a fan of fish... but I tried it this week and LOVED it |
I know you can't see it, but I also tried mac n' cheese on my hamburger... and it was really good. |
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
the shoes in my life
I realized this today, when I put a pair of shoes on that I haven't worn for awhile and forgot how much I loved them. They are one of the few pair of shoes that have become a staple. The type of shoes that my closet will never go without. Please tell me that there are more out there like this. Don't you have that pair of shoes that even when they are worn out, with holes in the soles, you still can't throw them away? And then you buy the same ones to replace them because you know you couldn't go on without that type of shoe in your closet?
I have 4 types of shoes, that I cannot go without. I have multiple pairs of each type. They are the shoes that I know will always be in my closet, no matter what season or stage of life I am in.
The first shoe that I cannot live without are the classic boat shoes. In my closet, at this very moment, I have 5 pairs of boat shoes. Two brands, Sperry and Steve Madden, they never let me down. In high school this was my main shoe. Pretty much the only ones that I would wear, even if there was 6 feet of snow on the ground. And very fittingly, this was the shoe of choice for my wedding. They never let me down.
Shoe number two is none other than my good ol' Hunter rain boots. I got these shoes my sophomore year in high school.... so about 5 years ago. (wow that seems like a long time ago... 2009!) And they are still as sturdy as can be. They have been there for me at many important moments in my life. I'm not even kidding. I took my senior pictures, as well as some of my bridals in those boots. Graduation and marriage and the boots have walked me through it all. I don't really think that they will ever break down, but honestly if they do, I don't think that I will ever be able to throw them away. I will definitely get another pair, but those will always have a special place in my closet and in my heart. (I obviously have a real problem here, I'm getting sappy about shoes haha)
The next type of shoe that I cannot live without is my running shoes. They are not the cutest pair of shoes at all. Actually, when I got them I thought they were horrific. But after being with me for over 500 miles of running and still going strong, they fought their way onto my list. I love my Asics. Also, they have completely stopped my knee pain (along with lots of stretching and icing) so I don't have to go for knee surgery round two, which I am so so so grateful for. Along with the running shoes goes all my tennis shoes. I love a good pair of tennis shoes. And can always find a good excuse to buy more... I mean you obviously need gym tennis shoes, hiking tennis shoes (that can get dirty), cute tennis shoes (to wear on the sporty lazy days), sport tennis shoes (you never know when someone is just going to call you up and ask you to play wallyball or something like that right?....)
And last but not least is my Steve Madden boots. Yes, they must be STEVE MADDEN. No other brand will do. They do cost more, but they will last longer and look better and I am true to the brand. I have three pairs of boots in my closet right now (not counting the rain boots) and each and everyone of them are Steve Madden. I sacrifice getting a new pair of boots every year, so that I can afford to get the ones that I want. This year I didn't get a new pair, but I'm not even mad about it because my ones from previous years have held up wonderfully! And it is totally worth saving up for them.
I like to think that my closet will have at least one of each of these pairs of shoes for the rest of my life. But styles come and go. And I still love these shoes. And I could't keep moving through life without them. What shoes are you addicted to? I would love an excuse to buy another pair. :)
Sunday, March 16, 2014
those other things
I realize that my past two posts I have just been oh so happy and
talked about all the things that I love and that are great. But, hold
on, there are things that I hate too. And I am just as passionate about
the things that I hate as the things that I love.
number one thing that I hate... Rolly backpacks. No joke. I can go off
for days about how much I hate rolly backpacks. Seriously they are the
worst. Okay, I get the idea behind them, take some weight off your back.
Backpacks can get really heavy, I'm in college, I've been there. But
they are so freaking annoying. I do not ever have a stronger desire to
drop kick something to the moon than when I am walking behind a person
rolling a stupid backpack behind them. I literally have to use all my
will power not to kick those rolly backpacks that are right in front of
in college. Please. Don't. Just don't. The old professors on campus are
the exception here. But the most annoying thing ever is trying to get
out of class and its already really crowed and there there's THAT person
wheeling their backpack out that is slowing everyone up and tripping
everyone and rolling over everyone's toes with their backpack that they
are dragging behind them. HELLO PEOPLE, it's called a BACKpack for a
reason. It's supposed to go on your BACK.
So for the love. Ban the rolly backpack.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
that thing that you do
Seeing as how Mike and I just signed up for our 2nd half marathon, I thought I'd dedicate this post to doing those things that you love.
Everyone is different, so I assume that this thing that you do is different for everyone. But I really, really hope that everyone has that thing. There is no better feeling than doing something that you love, doing something that makes you feel refreshed, doing something solely because that is what you want to do.
After Mike and I ran our first half marathon, we decided that we were going to keep on running five miles at least a couple times a week to stay in shape. But life said, "haha, yeah right." We got super busy and I do not remember one time after our half marathon that we ran five miles. Every once in a while, we would squeeze in a short couple mile run, but it wasn't a regular thing, and unfortunately, we lost our endurance, fast. About a year later (now) we decided to do it again. We started our pre-training (yes, we are so out of shape that we have to train for our training. Sad, I know) about two weeks ago. After our first run, I couldn't believe how amazing I felt... Mentally.... not physically, that is another story.
After that experience, I realized the importance in doing that thing that you love doing, just because you want to. I can't believe how much better I feel. I know that exercising is a great high, but that's not what I'm getting at. It is just doing things because you want to, doing things because all day long you do the things that you have to do. You do school, you do work, you do cooking and dishes and laundry, because those are the things you HAVE to, but among those things don't forget to do the things that you love to do. You will feel less stressed, happier, and more willing to do those things that you have to do.
So I hope you all find time every week to do those things that you love doing and have a Happy Valentines Day!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
the blogging world
Well, well, well, it looks like I am joining the blogging world. Mike and I are terrible at journaling, and hopefully this will help. I definitely under-estimated the amount of effort it takes into making a blog. I give major props to all the people out there that have really cute blogs, it is hard work. This blog has been in the making for about 4 months... maybe more. It has been through probably 7 template changes, 20 layout changes, 4 titles, and 3 headers. It's like the blog version of I-15, always under construction. Maybe someday it will be complete, but not anytime in the near future.
Since my blog will most likely never be perfectly polished, I might as well start using it.
This past week I have been thinking a lot about the little things in life. I am the type of person who can get really excited over one small, simple thing. For example, over Christmas break Mike and I went to California with the Criddle side of our family. On New Years Eve, we went to Disneyland California Adventure to celebrate. As we were driving over there my sister and I asked our dad if he would buy us Minnie Mouse ears (I was thinking he would make a sarcastic comment and say no) and he responded, "Of course! You can't go to Disneyland without mouse ears!" I couldn't believe it. I was so excited. I had secretly wanted those ears for years. After getting into the park, we went strait to the nearest shop. I picked out the sparkly ones (those of you who know me are probably not surprised at all) and Lauren picked out the classic, polka dot bow ones. I took them to the register, bought them, and cut the tag off. I put them on and turned away so no one could see my eyes building up with tears. Yes, that actually happened. A 21-year old cried because she was so happy to get Minnie Mouse ears. My tears did not go unnoticed, Mike saw and couldn't believe how happy those stupid, sparkly, Minnie Mouse ears made me. But, guys, it's the little things. Let the little things make you happy! Find the little things that make you happy! Just as the quote in the header says,
This past week I have been thinking a lot about the little things in life. I am the type of person who can get really excited over one small, simple thing. For example, over Christmas break Mike and I went to California with the Criddle side of our family. On New Years Eve, we went to Disneyland California Adventure to celebrate. As we were driving over there my sister and I asked our dad if he would buy us Minnie Mouse ears (I was thinking he would make a sarcastic comment and say no) and he responded, "Of course! You can't go to Disneyland without mouse ears!" I couldn't believe it. I was so excited. I had secretly wanted those ears for years. After getting into the park, we went strait to the nearest shop. I picked out the sparkly ones (those of you who know me are probably not surprised at all) and Lauren picked out the classic, polka dot bow ones. I took them to the register, bought them, and cut the tag off. I put them on and turned away so no one could see my eyes building up with tears. Yes, that actually happened. A 21-year old cried because she was so happy to get Minnie Mouse ears. My tears did not go unnoticed, Mike saw and couldn't believe how happy those stupid, sparkly, Minnie Mouse ears made me. But, guys, it's the little things. Let the little things make you happy! Find the little things that make you happy! Just as the quote in the header says,
"It's not how much we have,
but how much we enjoy, that
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